Palmdale, California and the New US Space Command

Palmdale New Headquarters for US Space Command?
The city of Palmdale is being considered for the new headquarters for US Space Command (USSPACECOM), a new military branch coming under the US Air Force. Palmdale has received broad support from state and county officials, as Palmdale is already the most logical location for such an organization.

US Space Command
"Los Angeles County has greatly contributed to the advancement of the aerospace industry and space exploration through many industries…In particular, the Antelope Valley and the City of Palmdale have a long and impressive history of advancing a peaceful, secure, and accessible space domain."

5th District Supervisor and Board Chair Kathryn Barger

Palmdale is home to many aerospace companies, including Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, and others. Palmdale also is the neighbor of Edwards Airforce Base and Nasa, Plant 42, and of course, Palmdale Airport.

What does Space Command mean for churches in Palmdale and the surrounding communities?

I think if the history of city growth has taught the church anything, it's that churches grow when cities grow. But they do not always increase in the way you may thing. Sometimes traditional churches grow when established industries grow. Older people may be in managerial positions when they move into the cities. They often bring with them faith traditions that belong to prior generations. Many churches that cling to the old traditions will see a small spurt of life, an increase in giving to the church, and often a few new families as well.

Frequently, church startups follow the growth of a city. If Space Command moves into Palmdale and establishes their permanent headquarters there, there will no doubt track a number of church plants that gear their ministry towards these new residents.

Established churches—those with visibly large ministries and street cred—will grow as well. They are comfortable places to pop in on Sunday morning in a low-pressure environment.

The category that will not see much growth is the smaller established churches. These are established churches that have always struggled to grow larger than arms reach—so to speak—or that minister to a small niche of society. We have dozens of these in Palmdale, as does every city around the Western World.

But it does not have to be that way. Smaller churches can look outside themselves, to look into the ever-changing community, and without compromising biblical values, humbly ask themselves what they must do to change and to reach the lost people of this world. This type of humility, especially when a city is growing, like Palmdale, no doubt will no doubt result in an expansion of the Kingdom of God among them.
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