Are Churches Open in Palmdale?

Sonrise Church is Open in Palmdale, California
Please follow us on Instagram and Facebook for weekly updates. We will also be updating our members and regular attenders regarding dates and times of services that are open. We will be open for worship every Sunday, either in-home groups, outdoor services, and/or online streaming. Church openings are contingent upon federal, state, and local regulations.

Are Churches Open in Palmdale?
Sonrise Church is Open in Palmdale, California.
According to the Antelope Valley Press, the city of Palmdale does intend to open churches and lift regulations as soon as possible. Lancaster city has made similar commitments. However, rising COVID-19 numbers will prohibit church openings. Therefore, most churches will be communicating every week of how and where their services will be open.

Governor Newson has called for many restrictions on churches that do not seem to be going away any time soon. Some churches feel that the governor's guidelines are more restrictive than those placed on other types of gatherings and have chosen to open their churches because the government is unjustly persecuting churches.

It is not the position of Sonrise Church that churches are being placed under direct persecution by the government in a way that prohibits us from biblical worship. We do not see our church as closed and believe that we have legal and safe methods of worshipping per the scriptures.

Sonrise Church has chosen not to hold traditional services but will remain open in Palmdale utilizing creative and also legal strategies for worship and fellowship.

In addition to our Sunday worship gatherings, we are fulfilling to call to gather as the church through small groups as well as other casual meetings online and in person. Sonrise Church in Palmdale is also open in the sense that we are available for ministerial and counseling needs as these, too, are allowed under the restrictions in a limited and necessary fashion.

What regulations are keeping churches in Palmdale from being open?

Length of recommended services
Percentage of capacity in buildings and rooms
Restrictions on meeting indoors
Lack of children's programming
Closing of kitchen and other facilities
Unregulatable restroom limitations
Costly sanitization standards
Statements against singing close to others
Restrictions on the allowance of visitors to the open church gatherings
With all of this said, Sonrise Church has chosen not to hold traditional services but will remain open in Palmdale utilizing creative and also legal strategies for worship and fellowship.
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